About Us

We are a specialist company, applying cutting edge technology to the transformation of analogue archives into high-quality digital libraries. Using our unique digital scanning technology technique.

Audiences today are no longer passive, they don’t want to be told what they can and can’t access. They want it all, they want it on their terms and they want it on demand.

This inevitably means that more and more archived records, photographs and objects will need to migrate to the Cloud from where they can be instantly available. 

Traditionally, the cost of such transformation has been very high and acts as a barrier to this migration of data. 

Not any longer.

Archive Digital can assist with the fast, efficient and low cost transformation of data into digital formats, utilising a unique range of purpose designed technology solutions that significantly increases the speed, efficiency and cost effectiveness of the conversion process.

The range of ‘Digitiser®’ solutions are specifically designed to convert analogue archives into high-quality digital libraries quickly, easily, efficiently, so reducing processing times and making substantial savings in the overall cost of transformation.